
on your true potential!

Our neuro training Diamond System combines traditional
medical knowledge and integrated coaching techniques with Neurofeedback. This unique program unlocks your true potential, allowing you to become the very best you can be!

Neurofeedback Training

It's all about balance in the brain and "self regulation"!

Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback or Neurotherapy, is an amazing technique that trains the brain to function more efficiently. It is safe, effective and drug-free. The technique has been used successfully all around the world for over 30 years but modern computer and game technology has made it increasingly user friendly and accessible!

You can now directly train your brain by playing computer games, watching videos or listening to music, with a Neurofeedback trainer! It can be used to improve brain function in almost anyone and is well documented to improve function in many groups of people.

What is an EEG?
The brain works by signals being sent around the brain, by a combination of electrical and chemical signals. An EEG is an electronic device that measures and records the electrical activity in the brain and can give an indication of brain function. Tiny sensors or electrodes are attached to the scalp and connected by wires to the EEG device. It is traditionally used in medicine to help diagnose specific conditions such as seizures and dementia. In many people the brain is not functioning efficiently and EEG can pick up imbalances in brain waves and brain function.

What is Neurofeedback?
It was learned in the late 1960's that the brain can be trained to produce certain types of brainwaves and therefore improving function at will! The brain is rewarded (or receives "feedback") when it is producing appropriate brainwaves and because the brain likes to be rewarded, it learns to produce these more easily, as training progresses. The result is that the brain has improved "self-regulation" and functions better.

  • What is involved with Neurofeedback Training?
    Step 1
    Small sensors or electrodes are attached to the scalp and ears and these attach to the EEG or Neurofeedback equipment.

    Step 2
    The coach, sets the equipment to reward the person for producing the desired brainwaves.

    Step 3
    The person plays games, watches DVDs or listens to music but the really clever bit is that they control how well they do with their brain! So if you were playing a racing game, your vehicle would go faster if you were producing the desired brainwaves! Some children liken it to being a Jedi knight and controlling objects with your brain!

    Step 4
    Continue Neurofeedback sessions until the improvements in brain waves result in a desired change in function. This takes a variable amount of time for example Peak Performance improvements can be achieved in 8 to 10 sessions and improvement in ADHD symptoms can be seen in 30 to 40 sessions.